First of all, I am a throughly bad blogger, but in my defence the last couple of weeks have been pretty much non-stop. Holiday are great, but catching up on them almost destroys the good effect of the holiday! Add in a smidgen of club dyeing, and the start of preperations for Unravel and suddenly the evenings are spent propping open your eye lids with match sticks. So with excuses made, I hope you'll forgive me when I show you this. Yes that is indeed an egg, laid by Cav herself! Of course she won't go in the main chicken house, so at the moment the eggs tend to get laid in random places. I'm hoping that wil change soon, because the chickens are getting an upgrade in their living accomodation. 8 chickens is a bit of a squash in their curent house, they'll think the new one will be palatial if they ever get to move in. Cav has already inspected and approved the perches, but as of yet there is no chicken sized entrance and exit, and no nest boxes. We await an afternoon of dry weather so we can run an electric cable up there to use the power tools... and of course, this being Wales in one of the wettest winters on record they might be waiting a while.
When we get some dry weather there will also be a coat of paint applied, the orange stain they put on sheds is hideous in my mind, and I can see it from my window so it definitely isn't staying this colour! Comments are closed.
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