The chicks are growing up fast, their Mm has decided she's had enough of looking after them and for a while bedtimes involved much confusion for everyone involved. The main flock sleep in the large house, and the chicks and mum had a temporary box to live in, with the intention that when they were older they'd all move in to the main house. Mum however has decided she's going back to living in the main house at night. Cav did try to follow her, but the other hens were having none of it and made their feelings on the matter very clear. The chicks were 7 weeks old so a bit young to stand up for themselves and establish their place in the pecking order, so now have the box all to themselves at night. For a while night times have been rather confusing, the chicks couldn't understand where their Mum had gone to, this is Cav on top of the chicken shed, calling for his Mum. Not the clearest photo, but it was dim light, and the little blighter never stays still for a nano-second. This is slightly clearer and gives you a real idea of how ridiculous his quiff is, in the wet weather we've had recently he's ended up looking very bedraggled. This is Cav trying to follow his Mum and gives a real sense of the constant blur of motion, he's never still, always on the go. He also has the longest neck! And finally, because Cav does tend to hog the limelight, and bully his siblings here are the other 2. Now named Froome (the smooth one) and Wiggo (the frizzle). Poor Wiggo looks like an example of what happens when you plug a chicken in to an electric socket! They're much less outgoing than their bigger sibling, but still very cute.
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