This year Hilltop Cloud turns 10. Together we've come a long way from the Etsy shop filled with hand blended fibre that was made in the corner of the spare bedroom in my parents cottage. I'm still in the converted barn next to the cottage, working from the corner of a bedroom, but did get a space upgrade by moving in to the caravan as a work room, and my shoulder is now very thankful that I acquired dyeing skills. Things have changed, but really not a lot, and I like it that way. I still aim to supply beautiful fibre that you love working with. I treat my customers how I expect to be treated myself, and I passionately believe that sharing knowledge and creativity makes the world a better place. I like to see people using fibre, so I encourage them to do so! Five years ago we celebrated Hilltop Cloud 5th birthday with a challenge called In5pire (Ravelry link). I have no witty play on numbers and letter this time, but January 7th is St Distaff's Day, when the spinners traditionally went back to work, so to celebrate turning 10 we shall have a St Distaff's Day Challenge. It runs for the next 6 months, and encourages you to get creative, learn new things, make mistakes, use your supplies, and will let us share all those things with each other. Come along and take a look, I do hope you'll join in. There are prizes on offer, a £100 Gift Voucher for the Hilltop Cloud shop, and a £100 Gift Voucher for Weft Blown who supply all sorts of spinning and weaving equipment and supplies. Angie, the owner, is also joining me as a guest judge.
We'll be judging based on your process and documentation, not based on who can make the "best" thing, and there's also a £50 Gift Voucher prize picked at random from everyone who completes their project. I have gained so much by being part of this community, so I want this year to be a celebration of that. I had grand plans for several things, but Covid and Brexit meant they aren't possible, but I do still want to get out and about virtually. Do you have a podcast or vlog and would like to chat to me? Are you a graphic designer/illustrator who would like to work together to create some really cool anniversary graphics? If you have an idea on how you can collaborate then send me a message! Comments are closed.
August 2024
Hilltop CloudHilltop Cloud- Spin Different
Beautiful fibre you'll love to work with. Established 2011 VAT Reg- 209 4066 19 Dugoed Bach, Mallwyd, Machynlleth,
Powys, SY20 9HR |