Don't slam the door on your way out.... It's been an up and down month, things are definitely on the up health wise, though still highly frustrating on occasion for someone who normally gets as much done as I do. Then of course there's been the weather. It has been oh so wet, and oh so windy. We've had repeated storms, and in between those storms the weather has been generally un-cooperative. Yesterday however was a real hum-dinger of a day. Taking the parcels down to the post office was a bit of an experience as the main road had turned in to a river. In the afternoon we had to take the dogs out to stop them from bouncing off the walls, so we took a walk down to the valley below the house to look at our local river. I've certainly never seen it so high, and according to the environment agency the river Dyfi down at Machynlleth was within 20cm of reaching it's highest ever level. The photos and videos are not great... my camera is not waterproof and it was still chucking it down! We took a walk along the side valley as the river there will burst its banks even when it's just been a bit wet, and were not disappointed. Not quite over the road at this point, but very nearly so. Just around the corner is a very confused RAC breakdown van, sat looking at the patch where the river had flown over the road. We walked halfway through it, and then I filled up my wellies, and Meg very firmly made her feelings about swimming known.
So around we turned, and back home for a mug of cocoa.
1/12/2015 05:07:49 pm
Wow, looks like what we had last spring.
2/12/2015 10:54:13 pm
I am glad you are feeling so much better, and hope the floods don't get any worse. My daughter is in Aberystwyth, and if the river floods too much, she can't get home on the train. Comments are closed.
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