I may have mentioned it in the past but I am a big fan of Ply magazine. I've written for them occasionally , and look forward to my subscription arriving every quarter. Occasionally, when I can stretch the advertising budget, I also have a print advert, which means I get an advertisers copy of the magazine. I refer back to these magazines as often as I refer back to any of the books I own, so I think the subscription is excellent value. I took my entire back catalogue with me to Summer School for people to look through when they needed a break from spinning all day every day! The latest issue should be arriving with us in the UK soon, but meanwhile I have a spare copy of the previous edition- Suspended Spindle (Summer 2019) to giveaway. You can get your hands on a paper copy in two ways.
1) Leave a comment below, sharing your favourite spindle make or 2) Go to The Supported Spindle Page on the Ply magazine website, look through the list of articles, and come back here and leave a comment saying which article you're most looking forward to reading. Make sure you include your email address when you leave your comment. It's not available publicly, but without it I can't contact you to find out your postal address. You have until midnight (GMT) on Saturday 28th to leave a comment, and I will contact the winner on Sunday 29th. Winner selected 30/9/19 (slightly later thanks to horrible train cancellations wiping out my Sunday) - The Random Number Generator picked the comment left by Turid.
Chrissy Bristow
23/9/2019 12:31:47 pm
I love my 3d Turkish made by Turtlemade
Lindsay Rendall
23/9/2019 12:33:53 pm
I don’t know the brand, but my favourite spindle is one gifted to me by a friend, which is painted with beautiful sunflowers. My first and only spindle so far, though I suspect I may end up with more over time.
23/9/2019 12:53:21 pm
I'm interested in reading the article, A Range of Turkish Spindles. I'd like to get one someday.
Carla Stewart
23/9/2019 01:02:54 pm
I've only used 3 sort of spindles in my years, one is an Ashford top whorl spindle, which was my first one. Then I got myself a hand crafted mango wood Turkish spindle from my then home Guild, in Hants. A lady from Bangladesh got a few made when she went home and sold them at guild. And the 3rd one is a "stick" spindle, that well, I bought for my then 6 year old. Stick spinning is really easy and specially for wee hands. She loves it and she's constantly collecting wool from the fields to spin with -I got that spindle from "The Feral Spinner".- Anyway, my own favourite it's certainly my Turkish Spindle. I love the fact that one ends up with a lovely ball of single yarn, I love the pattern of it and It's a lovely object too :)
Carla Stewart
23/9/2019 01:07:11 pm
Note: I forgot to mention that I also love spinning a single, winding it in my hand and then plying a "goodly amount" to get wrapped around my Turkish spindle, ready to be used. I find I can do this really easily with the Turkish one.
Claire Carruthers
23/9/2019 01:31:29 pm
I absolutely adore my Spalted beech Turkish spindle from IST crafts.
Claire Coulter
23/9/2019 01:40:11 pm
My husband got me a Turkish Spindle from Kerry Spindles for my birthday. Was a lovely surprise, and it's brilliant to spin with. I love my Spin City glitter spindles too, but they're far heavier, so not quite as portable.
23/9/2019 01:45:59 pm
I love Bosworth spindles. I have two of them, and they both have such a smooth spin that goes on and on.
Mrs Veronica Macleod
23/9/2019 03:15:03 pm
I just love my Enid Ashcroft supported Tibetan spindle and my mini Turkish spindle from her too :)
23/9/2019 09:37:08 pm
I really like my Jenkins Turkish spindle; I've been spinning on it almost exclusively for the past few years. I keep thinking I should dust off my wheel, but that lovely spindle is right there, ready to be picked up any time, even if I just have a couple of minutes…
K Parkin
23/9/2019 09:53:21 pm
24/9/2019 07:49:41 am
Three years ago my Dad made me a spindle for Christmas from walnut and maple. It is, hands down, my favourite spindle. Other than that, I love my Golding with a brass dragonfly on the whorl.
24/9/2019 10:03:58 pm
I own rather a lot of spindles, and I think my favourite maker has to be The Spindle Shop (founded by Malcolm Fielding, and now run by his former apprentice Jory Freyee). Beautiful work and fantastic spinners.
25/9/2019 05:24:15 am
My favourite spindles are made by Emilia (known in Polish spinning community as Rose Epona) - supported ones with beautiful resin part. They look great and work smoothly.
26/9/2019 01:04:25 pm
My favourite drop spindle is my Golding one, it just feels soooo lovely. But I mainly spin with supported spindles and for those I like Mirkwood. They feel sturdy but are fast and the wood is beautiful
28/9/2019 08:00:29 pm
My fave spindle maker is Michael Williams in Sheffield. I have one of his square spindles so no notches needed. I also have one of his akhas for cotton spinning and a broken square one as transporting them safely out of the house isn't as easy as more robust spindles... Comments are closed.
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