Oops. Where does the time fly when you're having fun. For fun, read stupidly busy and trying to make sure you do all the really important stuff, which means thenon-essential blog writing stuff is continually shoved to the bottom of the to-do list. Since my last sighting I've been back in the south of England teaching a workshop, which was great because own my free afternoon I got chance to explore Lewes, a place which had popped up in lots of the historical fiction I enjoy reading, but had never been to. I might have expended my stay, but the royal funeral threw a spanner in to those plans, so instead I made the most of the very quiet roads to head back to Wales. Looking back at pictures like this one from September, looking north towards the Llyn peninsula it feels like the season has really shifted in the past month. It's been unseasonably warm here, the Dahlias are still flowering in to November, with no sign of a frost to kill off the foliage, which has meant the garden is in something of a holding pattern, so for now we enjoy the last gasp of blooms. One of the reasons the past few weeks have got away from me is getting this years 12 Days Christmas up for sale. I'm now in to the very final stocks of fibre, so if you don't have yours, or you know one hasn't been purchased for you there's only a very limited opportunity left. I am very much looking forward to writing the blogposts for these this ear as the theme is the Mabinogion, ancient stories from Wales. This last weekend I managed to get away to Shropshire with a group of friends, which meant Nellie had a weekend with her friend Sprout. The two are polar opposites, small and white cross breed who loves people, compared to large and black working breed dog who thinks people are rubbish, but they love each others company. I made the most of an opportunity to stop in a place I normally only drive through and went to Stokesay Castle, and enjoyed a lovely morning wandering through some very, very old rooms.
Creatively I have lots of gift projects on the go right now, so they're all staying under wraps, and anything else isn't quite finished yet! In mid-November I am teaching another online evening series of workshops, these are going to focus on British wool on the 15th and 16th November via Zoom. As before they will be recorded, and then you'll be able to watch it back for up to 2 months, so even if you can't make it live you can sign up and watch along in your own time. As ever there will be lots more to these sessions than just spinning, I'll also be sharing all sorts of historical detail to entertain you as we spin. Comments are closed.
January 2025
Hilltop CloudHilltop Cloud- Spin Different
Beautiful fibre you'll love to work with. Established 2011 VAT Reg- 209 4066 19 Dugoed Bach, Mallwyd, Machynlleth,
Powys, SY20 9HR |