If Cav could choose what to be I suspect she'd be a parrot... Mum is currently campaigning for her to become a house chicken. I suspect she'd be less passionate about this if it were her house she'd be living in. Cav however is perfectly happy to be picked up, will perch on my hand or arm, and as you can see on my shoulder, even while you're walking round. She particularly likes being hand fed, as that means she gets to eat as much as she likes without being bullied by the other chickens. Cav is bottom of the pecking order because she's different, and of course you can't tell the chickens not to be mean, their brains don't work like that. You'll see why I'm talking about this in this way if you carry on reading...
This year the Winter Olympics are being held in Sochi, Russia. As usual alongside the Olympics there will be the Ravellenics (formerly known as the Ravelympics), while the games are being held there's a giant celebration of all things yarn over on Ravelry. There are some who feel that Russia shouldn't have been given the Olympics due to it's human rights policies, and more reccently a law that was created regarding gay rights. However, like the Beijing Olympics in 2008, it's going ahead, and at this point there is nothing that is going to change that. I made the decision to sign up for a Hilltop Cloud team at the Ravellenics games on that basis. However, shortly after I signed up this post appeared, which made me regret my decision. I nearly sent the organisers a message requesting the team was removed, but then I did a bit more digging, and came across this post, whihc made me feel slightly better. Go read it, the person who wrote it is far more elquent than I could ever be. So for now, there is still a Team Hilltop Cloud to craft alongside the Olympics. I'll be spinning a rainbow, if you'd like to join me, either crafting rainbows, or not, that's completely your right to choose, I'd love to have you. The Hilltop Cloud thread is here. After all, we are not chickens. Comments are closed.
August 2024
Hilltop CloudHilltop Cloud- Spin Different
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