That big thing I hinted in the last time I posted… I can now share!
Firstly and the most important thing, Hilltop Cloud is not going anywhere, I am still dyeing fibre, selling fibre, and nothing about the way you interact with Hilltop Cloud as a customer will change. That being said, new adventures and challenges are always good, and this has been all those things, I’ve had to go back to school; watch lectures, makes notes, pass tests, do homework, research and write assignments and learn new skills. It wasn’t a challenge I particularly looked for, just one of those little life twists that take you to interesting places. I’m doing small amounts of part time teaching at the training school where I have done lots of work with Nellie. In a former life I was a secondary science teacher so it’s been exciting to tap back in to those skills and return to lesson planning and adapting those plans to work with what’s in front of me. Dog training in the UK is completely un-regulated, anyone can call themselves a dog trainer. I’ve qualified via an extensive course with the Professional Association of Canine Trainers, which will mean I can be listed on the list of Animal Training Instructors held by the Animal Behaviour and Training Council, this is the only list of trainers recommended by the RSPCA, Blue Cross and The Dogs Trust. They are also working to lobby government to better regulate the industry, and outlaw training practices and tools that cause pain and suffering to dogs such as shock collars. Meanwhile in Hilltop Cloud land it’s nearly 12 Days of Christmas time, the fibre is here, bags are printed, and they’ll be available very shortly. Signup to the email newsletter to get first notification of availability! |
January 2025
Hilltop CloudHilltop Cloud- Spin Different
Beautiful fibre you'll love to work with. Established 2011 VAT Reg- 209 4066 19 Dugoed Bach, Mallwyd, Machynlleth,
Powys, SY20 9HR |